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Have you hugged yourself today?
We each give so much of ourselves each day, so take a moment and give yourself a hug.
Enjoy the moments of time with your loved one(s) before they are memories.I am learning to enjoy moments with my sister as they happen. I am working on being present when we visit.See you Monday, June 29.
It does not matter if you are a brick layer or the person living in the brick mansion. We all are here to experience and grow. There is no immunity to personal growth.
It is important to continue emotionally investing in the relationship. It is not healthy to hide your feelings. You need to keep working. What happened to the white picket fence? The fence broke. We are rebuilding it. This fence is different. It has many colors and the posts are different sizes. It works. The weeds come back around the fence and we have to care for them like we care for you. Love you.See you Monday, June 22.
Everyone has their place in a family. Know that you are loved. Whether you are the first child, the last child or the only child, you are loved!I remember my sister sharing with me that she felt lost in the family. I came along so quickly, that she felt that she did not get the attention she needed. Only 14 months separates my sister and I.
When you break out of your silence, anger and frustration it is a relief. Selfishly, it makes me feel better. I am happy knowing you feel better. Just like the seasons change, so does your disease. See you Monday, June 15.
Discard the labels and remember to love yourself. Tell yourself, I am worthwhile. When we are treated in a positive manner, we are conditioned to be positive. Why is mental illness such a secret? I used to say to folks, "she's not well." Please let there be no shame.
Music heals. Go enjoy some music. My sister loves music and began to take keyboard lessons. She now has another healing avenue. Sometimes we talk about our favorite songs.
Love, love, love plus Patience, patience, patience equals Joy, joy, joy.See you Tuesday, June 9.
When we have a destination our mind is clear. Pick your destination.
Other people's expectations sometimes set us up for difficult emotional times. You do not have to be the best, just be the best you can be.
Create positive energy for yourself. Find the places and events that generate fuel for your soul and on some level, participate. When you are going in the right direction and doing things that make you grow inside and out it takes less effort. Through working and playing with others the momentum will begin.
We can strengthen or weaken our mind. It believes what we tell it. Speak happiness.
My sister inspires me to be a better person. She has endured a lot of rules. I am grateful for my freedom of choice and the ability to thrive in the world the way that it works for me.